
Yes Eternity, permit me to go somewhat spiritual today, it’s an experience, that might be just me, hear me out.

My second Son, came to me one day on my arrival home from my outpost.  He said ‘Daddy, Daddy’! ‘Yes El-Saleem’, I answered. ‘Where will you spend Eternity’? he asked.  I was quiet for a moment, thought it through a while that looked like eternity itself.  Then answered, assuring myself, ‘In heaven, my dear’’.  The echoes of that question kept on for days.  I had to check my archives of deeds, to make sure that anything worth sending me to hell was dealt with.

I gave my life to Christ ( as in committed my life to Christ), so many decades ago, received Baptism of Water and the Holy Spirit at different times.  I have preached, sang, prayed for the sick with numerous good results.   But my life was in a state, that I was sure, The Almighty, might say depart from me for I know you not.

So many people are the on wide / broadway to hell inside buildings called churches and fellowship groups.  Religions and Religious people have formulated so many activities that keep us very busy doing religious business, that keeps us dogmatically far from God and His purpose for our lives.  Very religious we get, but are also adulterers, fornicators, liars, lovers of self than lovers of God, Proclaiming love for God and neighbours, but cannot withstand our wives, husbands, fathers or mothers.  They refused blatantly their vows (on the platter of God understands) and cohort with sinners and persons the Bible says avoid like plaque.

They have turned heaven into material, political, financial O.K. with some tithe and offering no one need to worry.  Unfortunately, the tithes and offerings collected go mostly for personal aggrandisement and not for the expansion of the Kingdom (the Ekklesia, the Body of Believers, who are so Christ like and were nicknamed Christians). 

They are beautiful in Churches, places of worship and also pillars in occult houses, beer parlours and brothels.  They are not prostitutes, but call men, boys, girls, women, father, mothers – who have and are registering demonic altars of promiscuity in almost every place their legs step in.

God is not mocked, Whatever anybody sows, he/she will reap.  If only the Clergy can save their selves, because God’s judgement will start in the Household of God and   Repentantly, lead the body of Christians (the Church), …  The People who are called by God’s name, to humble themselves, turn from their evil/wicked ways, repentantly and seek God in Spirit and in Truth. He has promised to Hear our cries, forgive our sins and Heal our Land.  That is the manifestation of Sons, that the world has been waiting for, to receiving Healing from above, I am sure.

I will want to ask you like my son, to make your salvation a serious matter.  Work it out with fear of God and trembling. And find out where you might spend Eternity.  It is not verbaging the ‘’in call’’ of Christ.  You must repent, renounce your sins and start walking in the Light of God’s word.  This is no time for the show of words.  Your fruit should glaringly tell your neighbours/family/friends that this one has turned from his/her past (evil ways) and is now like Christ.

Enough of having so many big edifices (Church buildings) with no effect on the society we live in, whereas twelve (12) disciples became city tormentors, because of the Power of Christ in them.  May we who call Christ as Saviour and Lord, live Christ Resurrected Lives in our houses/homes, work and play, so we can bring sooner the return of the Risen King.



28th May, 2014

Bauchi Nigeria.

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